
You have incredible power within

Let me teach you to unleash it

My Purpose is to help YOU find YOUR purpose!

My true life purpose began the moment I realised the incredible power that is within me!

After going through a very harrowing illness and literally fighting tooth and nail for my life. Shortly after surviving this traumatic ordeal, through a lot of prayer and faith, I got married, quit a high paying job with the UN and moved continents (from Africa to Europe) ALL within one year.

It was very overwhelming and extremely exhausting but as I settled into my new life, I suddenly understood that I had been playing small all along, that I was not engaging all of me to the full. Suddenly, I got the revelation of how limitless and unstoppable I could be if only I could tap fully into my inner self and really work on my inner me. I got a massive “AHA” moment when I realized that my life purpose is bigger than myself and there began my self-development journey.

I got into deep soul searching, invested in several high end coaches and in no time, my gifts and talents started becoming visible to me one after the other.  I am a natural in the area of teaching, inspiring, coaching and motivating women to live to their full potential unapologetically.


Are you in pursuit of your higher purpose?


My Mission...

My mission is to work with women who are in pursuit of their higher purpose, who would like to tap into their God-given potential to be the best version of themselves.

When women step into their purpose, they are more empowered and endowed to make decisions that are next-level, they are also able to take personal responsibility for their lives and completely step into their element.

Being paralyzed by fear is self-sabotage!

Like most women (and no judgement here), I did not have clarity of purpose, I was so paralyzed by fear – the fear of rejection, the fear of judgement, the fear of failure, the fear of responsibility etc. However, when I started working on myself from a holistic approach, I was able to understand that I was self-sabotaging and studied the patterns of sabotage and limiting beliefs that would hamper my success and immediately started replaying the tape differently. In addition, the consciousness that time is finite and is so precious made me recognize my own mortality which acted as fuel for my passions. I am at a place of no return, a place where my only yearning and desire is to use divine guidance to really guide me in pursuing that which sets my heart on fire with boldness and courage. The moment I realised that it all begins and ends in the mind; and that what I give power to has power over me if only I allow it to is when I fully stepped into my power.

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Everyone is gifted,

but most people never open their package

Let me help you uncover your gifts!

As Stephen Covey says, "I am not a product of my circumstances, I am a product of my decisions". Having lived in Kenya for most of my life from childhood to adulthood, and having my roots deeply rooted back home, I look forward to taking the HI workshops semi-annually to my homeland. I want to be able to help women world over to realise what a formidable force they really are and to tap into the innate gifts that they already have and to share them freely with the world.

"Everyone is gifted, but most people never open their package. I am not leaving my package unopened!

At the end of the day, I want only one thing – to leave this world totally empty, having shared of my talents and gifts and having left my footprint in this beautiful world, in a massive way.